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ActivateFellows1 karma

Early-stage startups tend to need the most hands on deck while having the fewest resources to engage them. By working with an organization that supports emerging climate tech entrepreneurs, you’ll be able to share your expertise and provide a service that they might not be able to afford otherwise. Some ways to go about this:

  • Offer to become a startup advisor (could potentially also include equity compensation agreement)
  • Become an executive-in-residence at a local university or college
  • Volunteer with a climate tech incubator or accelerator to offer your services to the founders they support

One example of that kind of volunteer activity: at Activate, we’ve brought together a Leadership Council–50 high-tech-focused and visionary leaders across government, philanthropy, venture, corporations, and academia–that advise, advocate for, and connect Activate Fellows with networks and opportunities on a part-time basis.

ActivateFellows0 karma

Job boards focused on climate issues are a great place to start. Here's a document with a list of over 80 job boards focused on climate and climate technology.

If you're interested in working for emerging climate tech startups, several Activate Fellow and alumni companies are hiring for software roles–check them out here: https://jobs.activate.org/jobs?filter=eyJqb2JfZnVuY3Rpb25zIjpbIlNvZnR3YXJlIEVuZ2luZWVyaW5nIl19

ActivateFellows0 karma

Engaging employees with experience in the physical sciences is a priority for hard-tech companies that are tackling the climate crisis via atoms, not bytes. Depending on your areas of expertise, there is almost certainly a startup or early-stage company that would align with your goals.
In our experience, Activate Fellows, who are early-stage entrepreneurs working to bring emerging technologies from the lab to the marketplace, build teams that bridge the gap between technical experience and a drive to enact meaningful change. Job boards focused on climate issues are a great place to start. Here's a document with over 80 job boards focused on climate and climate technology. Several Activate Fellow and alumni companies are currently hiring–check them out here.

ActivateFellows-1 karma

The current job market is challenging, especially as VC and other funding cools down to reflect market conditions. However, we’ve found that during periods of chillier prospects is when innovation thrives. Several Activate Fellows have come to the fellowship straight out of industry, using their technical-know how and experience to develop new innovations with the goal of leveraging science and engineering for impact. With Activate’s non-dilutive funding and support network, fellows can work full-time on bringing their technologies to market. I’d remind them that entrepreneurship is an option and encourage them to check out activate.org/apply.
I’d also encourage them to connect with startups in the autonomous robotics space–as organizations look to make their first hires, these connections will go far.