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ActualWhiterabbit67 karma

Every one should read the list of questions Al Franken had for Kavanaugh.

Below are the 4-6th questions he would have asked him

4.When you were introduced by President Trump, you spoke to the American people for the very first time as a nominee for the Supreme Court. That is a very important moment in this process, wouldn’t you agree?

5.And one of the very first things that came out of your mouth as a nominee for the Supreme Court was the following assertion: “No president has ever consulted more widely, or talked with more people from more backgrounds, to seek input about a Supreme Court nomination.” Did I quote you correctly?

This claim, of course, was not just false, but ridiculous. The Washington Post’s Aaron Blake (a Minnesota native) called it “a thoroughly inauspicious way to begin your application to the nation’s highest court, where you will be deciding the merits of the country’s most important legal and factual claims.”

It would be only fair to give Kavanaugh a chance to retract that weirdly specific bit of bullshit.

6.Do you stand by those words today? Yes or no?

If he says that he doesn’t, I’d skip down to Question 22. But, if he won’t take it back, I’d want to pin him down.

ActualWhiterabbit34 karma

Do you ever think a big cat will jump up and get you when you fly down a mountain?

ActualWhiterabbit3 karma

Will you ban Ryan Haywood, sortamaliciousgaming, for using the platform to groom minors?

ActualWhiterabbit3 karma

I've been looking for a certain beer taste. I have had it once with a summit summer organic IPA. This was a seasonal beer that just worked for me. I bought every one I could of the magic lot but was unable to recreate it with subsequent lots. I've tried every recommend beer on Reddit or from my contacts in the beer / auditing industry but have gotten no where.

I'm looking for the equivalent taste experience of dying of dehydration in a desert. And then suddenly while I'm passed out in the sun someone takes a pine tree, covers it in snow, adds some lemon, a single blade of wheatgrass then violently shoves it down my throat bringing me back to life but at a terrible cost of never having that experience again.

This beer was off the shelf and was kept on the ground not in a refrigerator and still provided that experience. I've yet to find the right combination of pine and lemon. Do you know of anywhere I can start looking?

ActualWhiterabbit1 karma

Which companies have better customer service than the hackers holding a company's info ransom for bitcoin?