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AdamaLlama16 karma

Also, have you thought about having some kind of a repeating social media day? It Occurred to me that if people started treating every 4th of the month as a day to change their Facebook banner to a statement, their photo to Edward Snowden, and posting a status update linking to Restore the Fourth, this might be useful in getting more attention. I think this could become highly visible over time.

AdamaLlama2 karma

Is the fan user-replaceable? (I've never tried opening the case on a Surface.) Every notebook I've ever bought starts out where the fan is reasonably quiet, but after a year or two the bearings are shot. I hate noise with a deep and abiding passion. The fans kept me from getting the Pro1 and the lack of x86 support kept me from getting the RT. I was hoping to get a fanless atom option. I might settle for easily replaceable fans on the Pro to give me comfort I won't be stuck in a year or two.

AdamaLlama2 karma

I've also been astonished at how many people really don't grasp how much of an issue this is. I've been thinking about just habitually changing my Facebook photo to Edward Snowden every 4th of the month and placing a status update like "don't forget, our fourth amendment rights are STILL being denied" every month until congress acts. I think many of my Facebook friends fall into the "who me worry?" category right now, but would start to notice over time as they saw more people do this once every month.