Highest Rated Comments

Adamsan4197810 karma

Is it possible to check work that didn't use this technology to see if we've missed anything? I realize that certain pieces are almost untouchable but I think it's amazing knowing that we could be sitting on new information and never know it.

Adamsan419786 karma

How do you calculate your stock? And how did you go about shopping it to come up with a supplier?

Adamsan419784 karma

Do you have any non 60 second songs or any plans to release a full album? Don't get me wrong, if you can get the job done in 60 seconds I won't complain... But I was wondering if this was a possible stepping stone to something else as well. Oh geez, now she's going to think I don't like her power hour. /removes foot from mouth and cowardly walks away.

Adamsan419784 karma

What would you propose to do with our overcrowded and overfunded prison system from a bird's eye view? Would you change how we approach punishment vs rehabilitation? Would you change laws to take privatized prisons out of individuals hands? Thanks in advance!

Adamsan419782 karma

Thank you both for being so civil in a time when most are not. I'm an American so I don't get to see any constructive dialogue. Everyone only attacks the other side. If you don't agree here then you must not understand since each side is the "right side". I'll be in Barcelona for a wedding later this month and have followed these issues for a couple of decades now. From an American view I've seen these actions coming for a long time but not real conversation and a sense of community happening out of it. Thank you for giving hope.