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AddemF5 karma

And how does this end-point improve the service? Is there a reason why your algorithm will do better than other available algorithms to deliver (a) the search results the user wanted or (b) search results the user values even though they didn't know they wanted?

I could imagine how you might accomplish this, but I just want to hear any details that you might think are selling points. For instance, from personal experience with Bing and Google, I know that you cannot SEO your website for very narrow (i.e. low-traffic) search parameters. If I make a website dedicated to Modal Logic, for instance, you cannot promote your site in their search rankings--and their current search results deliver a lot of sites that the searcher probably doesn't really want. You get a lot of things that are market-connected or socially connected, but those aren't usually the sites that have good Modal Logic content.

So if you measured certain kinds of searches along certain other kinds of metrics, or if you allowed for SEO of narrow search phrases, I could see this delivering more valuable results. Presumably there are also other ways that I'm not aware of.

AddemF3 karma

It's normal for all people to burn more around water, it reflects the light and gives you more sun exposure than you'd think.

AddemF2 karma

My question is pretty broad: I always feel like saying "Masculinity is blank," or any variation thereon, suggests that blank is incompatible with femininity--which is always false. Examples, "Masculinity is about strength, responsibility, and leading." So what, women can't be strong, responsible leaders?

So is there a way to characterize masculinity in any way other than the stereotype of a stupid fat dad, without then suggesting that there is some positive quality which women lack?

Also: NPR is the best ever!

AddemF1 karma

And this is why you're the only journalist worth watching on TV anymore.

AddemF1 karma

So, cops seem really abusive. Not all; I've met some who are decent. But there seem to be a lot who get into the force in order to be able to throw their weight around, or maybe they just come to be like that while doing the job. Whatever the case, there are too many breaking people's cameras, shooting innocent people, intimidating citizens, and all around abusing power. Comments, arguments, or suggestions on how to fix?