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AeroHil5 karma

I think if more people cared to get involved and support/oppose the issues we believe in, I have faith we will be heard and make change real.

AeroHil3 karma

i think the effectiveness can be educated over time. But the first thing to change is to get members of congress to embrace change, rather than stick to the systematic, outdated processes.

AeroHil3 karma

well said! politicians always want a scapegoat to blame this person or that failed system, in reality civic engagement has been at it's lowest in history. If we all cared more about our govt just a little bit more, we can make a difference (like SOPA and PIPA). With that said, I think getting our youth involved early in the political and civic duty process, is the way to go (IMHO). I think this fun technology is the way to do it.

AeroHil2 karma

I hope so! If this country only cared about the popularity of the Kardashians, we will be all doomed. We need people like Alex and Ted to make civic engagement cool and popular!

AeroHil2 karma

Do you see the app used by special interest groups to lobby the people's support? or mainly individuals?