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Ajfman9 karma

While we're on the subject (not so much of a question), I always confuse Astronomy with Astrology because Astrology literally means the study of stars and that's always upset me. That is all.

Ajfman4 karma

LMAO "kids think for themselves these days." Yes children have somehow evolved in the recent past to where they now think for themselves. Unlike the stupid, easily manipulated kids of yesteryear, we now look to our children for policy-making and leadership. And yeah, when you repeat to children that the world is gonna end in 10 years they tend to become terrified.

Ajfman4 karma

Lol right?

Ajfman1 karma

Maybe learn to read idk. Or just try harder not to be an asshole.

Ajfman1 karma

I didn't mention sunrise dumbass. I was replying to someone who was putting way too much stock in children and I commented on how easily manipulated children are.