Highest Rated Comments

AlexKnolly13 karma

Along the lines of it changing compared to when it was originally teased, I'm wondering what the process of selecting subject matter and whatnot was. I'm sure a lot have been selected for a while (ie singing It's Dangerous to Go Alone during the Zelda playthrough), but were there any ideas that you eventually dropped? Among those were there any you wish you didn't drop?

(Artealol, sorry to post this as a reply to yours, it's just along the same lines and your question is a really good one)

AlexKnolly8 karma

What the hell is Guy Martin saying?

AlexKnolly8 karma

Ah sorry, I should've specified it was in Wind Waker, so pretty recent, I was just using it as an example. He only really sang one line, but here it is.

AlexKnolly2 karma


You and everyone else were fantastic! Loved the movie! Obviously a good chunk of the book got cut out to make the whole thing fit in under two hours but for the constraints it had it was magnificent!

AlexKnolly2 karma

Just wanted to say: I LOVED John Dies at the End (the book), and am looking forward to getting home from work so I can finally watch the movie.