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AlphaBetaParkingLot182 karma

This is the reason that the Voyager probe is not carrying the song "Here Comes The Sun". Carl Sagan brought the idea of putting one of their tracks on to the Beatles, who loved the idea.

Then EMI was like, "Nope! No way we are going to let music under our control be taken out of the solar system! You can't collect royalties from millions of miles away!"

AlphaBetaParkingLot27 karma

From what I can gather:

Some guys did some terrible things and some other guy made sure they went jail for it... but the other guy is still kind of a dick-wad... i guess?

AlphaBetaParkingLot21 karma

They never terraformed Mars in Star Trek. They just had some colonies inside domes and the like

But the overall idea of there being a monument and plaque in place, serving as a historical marker for future visitors is a really great one.

Also the plaque in that screenshot refers to an actual Sagan quote that ends with “Whatever the reason you’re on Mars is, I’m glad you’re there. And I wish I was with you."

I fully expect those words to end up on Mars in due time.

AlphaBetaParkingLot11 karma

If you look through his comment history, he clearly works with the airline industry. Well... Either that or some really sad sack who gets a kick out of having pretended to be in the airline industry on reddit for 8 months, and willing to give lots of oddly specific and well-researched bits of info when the topic comes up.

I don't see why his post should be down-voted. It was courteous and knowledgeable.

AlphaBetaParkingLot11 karma

Is the mission to do a very-low-altitude orbital insertion? a very-low-altitude flyby? or just straight up fly into the sun?

The last one would be pretty darn cool, but probably yield less data. haha.

Also, what do we expect to learn about the sun's Corona? Are there extant theories about the corona that will be tested, refined, or proved/disproved, or is this more like new Horzons where we don't really know what to expect.