Highest Rated Comments

AlteregoX168 karma

Hi Tim! Im so excited to have this opportunity to hear your thoughts on everyone's questions! I've read your books and have learned so much from you already! I'm a new designer who launched a luxury petite ready to wear brand, fulfilling a niche that's been ignored for decades.

My questions are:

Why do you believe there are no designer brands for women 5'4 and shorter?

What channels should I be targeting to allow my brand to reach the luxury market and show the industry that petite womenswear is in high demand?

Also, I'm in Los Angeles, and not New York, do you believe this is a determining factor in reaching success in the fashion industry when the LA market is known for producing T-Shirts and leggings manufactured in China versus high end in New York?

Thank you so much! Frankie

AlteregoX72 karma

Thanks for the advice! We're getting ready for market week here in LA next month but always wanted to go to NY. I've had a great response from people from NY so we've played with the idea of moving. Because frankly, I feel like they don't know what to do with me here either. Haha

What's your opinion on some designers getting the bitter end of a deal when working with major retailers? I guess in short I feel nervous to approach major retailers because I'm still a growing brand. I'm worried that I could get a huge order and then be cancelled after the inventory was manufactured. I haven't made it to that step yet though I feel I'd be ready by this year, but don't want to ruin any future opportunities by negotiating too much.

Thanks for your advice Tim! Can't wait to see you in NY!

AlteregoX71 karma

Thank you so much! I really appreciate your support. We'll actually be introducing pants into the line this next season! You can sign up for updates on our website or feel free to email me anytime :)

Frankie@the16thbar.com www.the16thbar.com

AlteregoX3 karma

Hi Gale!

I'm a female writer and director pursuing a career in fashion and feature length films.

What do you believe are the biggest wastes of time and mistakes producers and directors make?

What are your favorite books and resources that I could learn from to become one of the best (like you)?

AlteregoX2 karma

How tall are you?