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AltoRhombus25 karma

Hey man, I don't have dentures like OP but, I have TMJ that expresses as pain in my maxillofacial muscles, and also as cluster headaches seasonally, evidently.

I'd never seen anyone for TMJ in the past years, I always assumed the pressure in my ears was normal that just required daily rubbing/stretching to alleviate.

Turns out, I have a scalloped tongue from pressing it against the roof of my mouth all day every day, and in my sleep. It's also indicative of bruxism, but I don't quite grind - my maxillo's just tense and my tongue kind of anchors it all together.

See a TMJ or maxillofacial surgeon specialist and have them check you out. My doctor knew the moment I opened my mouth from seeing my tongue, and prescribed an acryllic toothguard that is shaped so that when my teeth do grind or contract at night, they slide around instead of dispersing pressure and tensing your muscles. It fits over my teeth down to centimeters so it's in there tight all night.

Slowly but surely (my insurance only paid for one of the "teethguards" - so I have to wait 6 months to get them to pay for the lower one) I'm feeling relief from the pressure. Hope you find yours too.

AltoRhombus22 karma

Think of the KKK as the BSA, except opposite of nice. So, there's a bunch of little troops but they all report to the whole organization. He means that he wasn't worried about his group of people, but would be about other "troops" of klansmen finding out he left and assaulting him.

AltoRhombus4 karma

It's so dastardly how they trick you like that. "Just gonna give you something to relax now."

"Uh huh. So when do we start the surgery? It hurts more now."

"We're done!" "Oh."

AltoRhombus3 karma

The tubes aren't actually down underwater, they are typically aboard a ship where they maintain the psi in the tube. Then they dive into the water directly from within there I believe.

AltoRhombus1 karma

Any recommendations for an evening with my friend Cid? Last time I did my usual "watch all the old TooL music videos and envision all life as connected" but was pretty much lost in the sauce otherwise.