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An00therNob3 karma

thank you for answering, thus if allowed, aroused more questions regarding the spirits :

  • how do they perceive or describe the spirits ? like some deads souls of humans or more like other beings sharing more or less this realm with us ?

  • what does the spirits benefits from helping us/humans ? is it like attention can get them well being / power / something else ? and what about the offerings , what kind of nature are they made off (material or like sacrifying animals ?) ?

An00therNob1 karma

Hello and thanks for sharing your experience with us.

i have a question regarding the spirits, from what i rode (spirits telling to wait for another more "qualified" one ) , it got me curious if the shaman has a choice of the spirit he "lets in" ?

also are their "bad spirits" or at least with bad intentions like we could say a manipulative human and wouldnt it be (considering they could have possible acces to info they shouldnt) easier for them to manipulate someone ?

edit: sry for any mistakes or bad english / european here

An00therNob1 karma

when you mentioned "stuff they couldn't possibly know" , can you give an analog example please ?
is it something really precise or is it more like correct but still vague ?

also if you could elaborate on the part why they wouldn't teach to a non Mongolian to avoid teaching the wrong ceremonies for the wrong spirits please ? do they have a knowledge of "our spirits" / communicated with them ?

are they some sorts of exchanging teachings between Mongolian shamans and others ? and how do they perceive for ex. north Americans / others shamans ceremonies ?

An00therNob1 karma

so if i understand this right they dont see the spirits as deities ? do they believe in other deities or do they practice apart that any worshiping or other "religious" rituals ? also if you could elaborate on the therm "ancestors" please ? is it like a recently deceased framily member or more like for ex. the "original" founder of the family ?

regarding the offerings, are they disposed like buddhists would do for ex. or are they consumed by the shaman during trance ?

An00therNob1 karma

could you "feel"/"sense" the presence of the spirits somehow ? like is their a distinct perception when a shaman is in trance or is it something more subtle ?

what kind of different benefits the shamans / supplicants get in exchange form the spirits ?

if you would try to eli5 what would be the closest analogs in our western societies of those ceremonies ? is it like going to a doctor for pain relief / psychiatrist for personal worries etc etc but sort of all combined in one (thus the multiple spirits with different qualifications ?) by which i mean they can also a be "prescription" for a treatment with local plants/medicine , or is it only spiritually inclined like a very faithful christian might feel or actually get better after doing a pilgrimage for ex. ?