Highest Rated Comments

Analyzer967 karma

Soldiering is not all Call of Duty. Guard positions are typically the most discipline challenging of all assignments, as you have to have the "internal fortitude" to maintain your post, no matter the circumstances.
Our very first general order, "I will guard everything within the limits of my post, and quit my post only when properly relieved." Is applied to every action performed during the tenure of our duty, on or off the clock, in or out of uniform.

Analyzer99 karma

Even the smallest mom and pop shops seem to run well off a ticket system. This is a pretty thin reason.

Analyzer94 karma

Man, Max is the best.

Analyzer94 karma

Fellow FISTer from '02 on. First deployment in '04-'05 to Baghdad. I was right behind you. Glad you're talking. I don't really like to, yet. I stayed in until 2010, which more or less delayed any onset problems I had. The last year has been a real rollercoaster. Someday I'll want to talk with guys that weren't there, I'm sure.