Highest Rated Comments

AnderZorn221 karma


I noticed that you guys are avoiding all questions about Enterprise/KMS installations. Was there simply not enough time to make the upgrade work with these, or is there an actual technological hurdle Microsoft wasn't able to surmount? Is this a hard question to answer, or were you told to ignore it for policy reasons?

I've got the ISO now, but I'd rather not reinstall as I just started evaluating 8 a week ago. Seems a bit early for a reinstall just to get back the start button functionality that was removed in 8.

AnderZorn15 karma

What did you get?

AnderZorn12 karma

blooper reel?

AnderZorn3 karma

How likely do you think the injury would be if you wore your seatbelt? Did you normally wear your seatbelt, or was this a one-time event?

AnderZorn3 karma

Was there ever any "groping" when tackled or in a pile up? If so, how common was it? What were your thoughts?