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AndrewGounardes61 karma

I support medical marijuana and decriminalization. I am agnostic on recreational use.

AndrewGounardes48 karma

This week alone I've personally knocked on 318 doors, and its only 3pm on a Tuesday. Ask me again on Thursday and I'll have that number doubled.

Our campaign relies on volunteers to boost the number of doors we knock on. This week our volunteers have already knocked on 600 doors, and we need to keep that going with more volunteer support.

AndrewGounardes48 karma

I'd like to see a return to an economic message that actually works for working class folks. Healthcare, housing, student loans - these are all economic issues that get lost every time we focus on Trump's latest outrage.

Would also love to see more done to help millenials (god I hate that term), who face 300% more student loan debt and are 1/2 as likely to own a home as their parents. If the hallmakr of the American Dream is going to be a college degree and home ownership, then we need to do more to help this generation get there.

AndrewGounardes37 karma

Thank you for your vote and support.

When I ran last time, I was incredibly young - only 26! I learned a lot in that campaign, including that our neighborhood really values candidates who have a track record of accomplishing something that helps the community.

Since my last race, I've co-founded Bay Ridge Cares, which prepared 25,000 hot meals in 6 weeks for people affected by Superstorm Sandy, helped organize with B.R.A.K.E.S. to secure passage of the first speed camera pilot program by organizing demonstrations in front of Golden's office, and being active with the Riders Alliance campaign for improved R trains and bringing back the B37 bus. And not to mention spending 4.5 years as Counsel to the Brooklyn Borough President.

I have a record of service in the community that actually speaks to issues that our neighborhood is facing and that's why I'm a better candidate than I was 6 years ago.

AndrewGounardes36 karma

Omigod - run for the hills!

Just kidding. I think AOC's campaign win was very exciting and uplifting for anyone who is trying to unseat an entrenched incumbent who everyone thought was unbeatable. That's exactly what I'm trying to do in my race, too.

Across the board, its really exciting that women and people of color are running for office in record numbers.

And even though I don't consider myself a democratic socialist, I think a lot of her campaign platform matches with what I'm campaigning for as well, including free tuition at college and single-payer healthcare.