Highest Rated Comments

Andy_Bichlbaum75 karma

No! We've always been able to get all the way through things. We have however been ushered forcefully off the slide, once. http://theyesmen.org/hijinks/vivoleum

Andy_Bichlbaum63 karma

In my case, long story, but ACT-UP had something to do with it. As for footsteps, you might want to find your own footsteps, but please do borrow any of ours that you like. For example: Be funny! Be revolting! More specifically, one fun exercise when you're taking on some evildoer is to really pretend to be them, and actually defend their (insane) cause as they might have to if they were just a little more conscious of and up-front about their insanity. A lot of jokes will automatically come out.

Andy_Bichlbaum54 karma

Most successful, probably: BBC/Bhopal action. Funnest: usually the last one, or the one being worked on currently. I actually don't have a better answer offhand!

I don't totally regret any of our actions, but there are a couple we definitely did at the time - like when we impersonated the Bush campaign at a weird culty conference called by something called the International Web Police (soon thereafter disbanded by the FBI, who were investigating our action at the behest of the IWP). People at the conference totally cottoned on to us and chased us out the door, before calling the police, who called the Secret Service, who I guess called the FBI, etc. They actually physically threatened us and tried to grab our equipment. We were so terrified we found a dumpster to ditch all our props. We were even going to change our flights out of Florida - and then Mike suggested we go to DisneyWorld instead. We did, and had fun.

Andy_Bichlbaum44 karma

Why on earth would you want a Survivaball?

Andy_Bichlbaum32 karma

Nope. I for one started as a geek - games programmer, one of the first two working on what later became the Sims. Then they transferred me to another game, SimCopter. Then they wouldn't give me time off to mend my heartbreak. Then I did something funny. Then they fired me for it. Then I told a reporter friend and it blew up. Then I thought: this is fun! I want more! In more detail: http://vimeo.com/10788590 (I haven't watched this, no idea if it's good) http://www.afterelton.com/blog/lylemasaki/the-man-behind-simcopters-gay-easter-egg