Highest Rated Comments

AnnieLanglois106 karma

Sæll Jón! I've read that you thought that English will become the one spoken language in Iceland in the future. Wouldn't you see it as a very sad thing for a language to disappear? Wouldn't you consider your language as a central part of your culture/identity? (I'm from Québec (Frenchie in North America), and we are very protective of our language here, which is why I struggle with this) Takk kærlega fyrir!

AnnieLanglois36 karma


AnnieLanglois9 karma

mun þessi maður vera að kvarta um veðrið á íslensku? :D (kannski ekki, það verður hlýrra ...)

AnnieLanglois7 karma

Puffin is not the best, amirite?

AnnieLanglois1 karma

vissulega! takk!