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AnonPaul6 karma

"It (GOP) needs to be the party of innovation - stay tuned, that's my next major piece."

Short of dismantling & admitting that our government is bought and sold to the highest bidder, what can the GOP do to be innovative? -minority candidates?? It's a sham, bro. Frankly, I'm not very excited to hear about the two-party system 2.0.

>mfw the GOP drops by to discuss copyright laws

AnonPaul-2 karma

I apologize for showing my tin-foil cap. :) I did say "I may be way off-base with that". If you legitimately came here on your own, not at the behest of your boss then I apologize & applaud you for venturing into the liberal-hivemind.

I don't think that the Republican party is stupid. Quite the contrary, actually. But, I must insist that the typical "right-wing" person is generally a 'low-information' person. Can you tell me with a straight face that Fox News is not utterly idiotic at times? I mean, don't get me wrong...you can say the exact same thing about MSNBC. It's scary, man. Television is so powerful! I know that this has absolutely nothing to do with the OP, but I would like to know your thoughts on this subject. It's not everyday that I speak to conservatives (who aren't Kool-Aid drinking parrots, that say 'Murica un-ironically) on the internet.

Also, how long do you think (if ever) it will be before the people in this country realize that we don't need to send people to vote on our behalf? Wasn't the whole idea of sending a "representative" to the Capital to vote in our place just a way of making sure that everyone's voices were heard? Since back then people weren't able to drop everything and utilize the modes of transportation of the era (horse & carriage) to go do it themselves, because it would consume all of their time/money/lives. I mean, it's technologically feasible now... We would still be in need of someone to write laws that would impact their constituency, and listen to the people, but why can't the people vote on them directly via modern technology?

I apologize for being a not-so-well-spoken person with poor language-skills. lol, but I think you can get the gist of what I mean to ask you.

AnonPaul-8 karma

If your party wants to appeal to women, they should stop trying to control women's bodies! How can the GOP talk about "smaller-government" and then espouse the idea of telling a woman what to do with her ovaries?! It's hypocrisy!

...but, to stay on topic; I have a sneaking suspicion that (whether you know it, or not) you're here to test the waters, so to speak. To find out how to word "internet-regulating" legislation just right so that the average 20something doesn't flip-shit as soon as they hear about it. I could be way off-base with that, though.

I do not envy you, sir. You're a young person in a party that is totally disconnected from your own generation. I hope that in the future, you guys (young Republicans) figure out a way to not offend the sensibilities of PRETTY MUCH EVERYONE who isn't the CEO of something-or-other.

Good day to you, sir.