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AppleAtrocity115 karma

I saw on one behind the scenes video (Poe vs. King, I believe) Watsky was talking about writing his own verses, but I am also curious to see how much writing other guests do since obviously that is his area of expertise.

AppleAtrocity56 karma

My God, you are magnificent.

AppleAtrocity50 karma

Thank you for asking my question for me. I have seen that episode several times now and it never fails to be more horrifying every single time.

So OP if you filmed that episode, how much more insanity was there that wasn't shown on TV?

Also have you ever filmed anything that was too crazy to put on the show? I'm guessing no after seeing Cristy's but still curious.

Just googled it and some people are saying she died, and others dispute that. If anyone knows for sure I am interested in finding out.

AppleAtrocity45 karma

Jesus, that is really sad. My condolences to you and your family.

AppleAtrocity41 karma

It wasn't obvious to me, I found out finally because it was in one of the behind the scenes vids.