Highest Rated Comments

ApricotRS24 karma

Do you take player suggestions seriously even if they do not have that much support? Of course updates like OSRS had massive amounts of player support, but have you ever seen a post on the forums with just a few posts that you liked and implemented in some way?

ApricotRS6 karma

You ever thought about getting a razer nostromo to place on the ground to put your foot on? I watched the video you put up and lifting your leg up to use the keyboard looked uncomfortable, but i'm sure you're pretty flexible :)

ApricotRS5 karma

Every one I run into on /r/iama either lives like 5 minutes away from me or plays runescape...

ApricotRS2 karma

Sup man, just wanted to say I live in college station too. Hope it all works out.

ApricotRS2 karma

Texas, but I do play runescape! My RSN is Apricot if you ever wanna talk