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Aranelalone8 karma

That is a true pain. I have severe fish and shellfish allergies, and having to ask and be worried the whole time usually doesn't make a new place enjoyable. So many friends and even family members act like I "won't" eat at hole in the wall places that mix their foods and not "can't". The restriction is obnoxious for sure.

Aranelalone1 karma

Oh geez... Yeah, I'm not sure how comfortable I would be with that. How much fun would you have if you're going to be constantly worrying?? Dairy is in everything, that would be so difficult to safely avoid. Plus, the chaos of medical care in a different country... I, personally, might not go unless it was a huge tourist area and a lot of people spoke English anyway.

Aranelalone1 karma

Oh wow, you are lucky! I usually have to forego any Asian or Mexican places, unfortunately, even though I enjoy both. Also very hard to try to explain if the owner/people who answer the phone don't speak English that well.

Oh man! I'm sure they have to understand, I mean, who fries a hotdog? That's odd. I've had to leave a restaurant before we've ordered before, which is still frustrating and embarrassing, so I usually call ahead now. I would have assumed the same about the hotdog! Not much you can do!

Aranelalone1 karma

Oh geez, that's awful! I used to live on the east coast, and I can have a reaction (not a too severe one, but still) if I eat a hamburger and fried grilled on the same grill or fried in the same oil as fish, so small local joints almost never have separate fryers and grills, they "clean them"... Or the chains that do have separate grills/fryers, but then they have to say that they can't guarantee that someone didn't make a mistake that day. Gah! My favorite places are places without fish (like Chipotle :)).

Ooh and can't forget the Ceasar salad dressing, some BBQ sauces, and some worsteshire sauces with anchovies! Always have to be soo careful and those without allergies just don't get it!