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ArcanusFluxer28 karma

What happens when you drive that far (like Connecticut)? You just drive back? And I'm guessing that's like a two hour drive. What if it was towards the end of your shift? If you just drive back, then that isn't worth the time and money, right? Follow up question: have you ever declined to drive somewhere? Why/where?

ArcanusFluxer5 karma

There are "secret foods". Not sure why. Maybe because white people probably won't like them or it's hard to translate.

ArcanusFluxer2 karma

I am so glad you are here! I have really been stuck and confused on my chest exercises!

I have been working out for a while now and my arms are bigger and defined. but my chest is still flat with no improvement. When I do flys and presses for my chest, I do not feel anything in my chest, only my arms get tired. Does this mean I'm not really working my chest? How can I build some bulk on my chest?

ArcanusFluxer2 karma

Restaurants seem to be limited by ingredients, not their menu. I have very often ordered dishes off the menu because I see that they have the ingredients from the other menu items. If your American, I bet they can accommodate your needs.

ArcanusFluxer2 karma

Thanks for replying! I was hoping perhaps you could clarify one step further. It does seem like this might be a common problem, especially if you have experienced it!

Can I ask you why your not going to failure? Also, when I do bench presses my arms get tired and I don't feel anything in my chest, does this suggest I am not working at it?