Highest Rated Comments

Arcterion531 karma

Several questions:

1) What is the most devious thing you have seen that made you question your job?

2) Favourite pornstar?

3) Titties or ass?

Arcterion71 karma

... That almost sounds like a dreamjob. Work around pretty ladies and just clean up and restock without having to deal with customers? Score!

Sure, it's bottom of the pecking order, but hey.

Arcterion25 karma

Silly question: have any of you ever accidentally misread test results and for a split second thought you were dealing with an apocalypse scenario? :P

Arcterion8 karma

I don't see why you have this many downvotes. :/

Plus not every pedophile is a child molester. There are many who are aware of their condition and seek to change it.

Arcterion7 karma

... There's a 3rd Olson? o_o