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ArgetlamShadowmoon9 karma

As a graduate student, being a TA is very rewarding, but I wonder why students (who undoubtedly seem to view the professor as a figure not to be messed with) seem to completely lack this reverence when interacting with TAs. I've had numerous students tell me I was incompetent, that I clearly had no idea what I was doing, and that they knew better.

Like I get it, I do, we as TAs are meant to be the cannon fodder for the disappointment of the swarming undergrad masses, but boy is that a sharp dichotomy. Why do you think that is? Did you ever experience this?

ArgetlamShadowmoon3 karma

So what /do/ you think of PM Trudeau? Are you a fan? Not? And what's with that stunning hair?

ArgetlamShadowmoon1 karma

I'm sorry if my post seems long and rambly, I'm just honestly nerding out at getting the opportunity to communicate with you, Dr. Landherr...or Shepherd...whichever. You're just awesome.

I graduated college in 2011 at 19 with a degree in Biochemistry, and have since taken the grad school plunge in the field of Nanotechnology over the past couple years.

Furthermore, you've always struck me as forward thinking, and you've always impressed me in your work with StW.

So, what are your thoughts on the field of nanotechnology and what was graduate school like for you?

ArgetlamShadowmoon1 karma

You are so very welcome. I wish you massive success in the future, and hope that StW continues strong for many more years to come!

ArgetlamShadowmoon1 karma

Two questions.

  1. What is your favorite science joke?

  2. What is something that nobody knows about you that you're willing to share?