Highest Rated Comments

Arkhamina433 karma

Do you get recognized for your voice often? What's the most awkward/notable situation this has happened, if so?

Arkhamina6 karma

Hmm. How did he get down from there? Obviously he didn't die there...

Arkhamina2 karma

I once went on a power plant tour, and I swear to god, 1/4 of the plant was full of defunct HUGE machines. I asked why they left them there, and the tour person said it would cost too much to move/disassemble them because it's full of Asbestos. Do you ever handle Hazmat things, or have to take things apart before getting them out of buildings? (IE. Where the build the giant things inside, or change the doors?)

Arkhamina2 karma

I registered in 2011, hoping they will need me. I'm pretty generic bloodstock, so nothing exotic...

In the mean time, I give platelets every month or two, triple unit!