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ArmandTanzarianMusic12 karma

I can answer that as I just got off a bus that had to change drivers in Montana. This guy drove out to the town and slept in a motel until we got here. The reason we know this because he was bitching about traffic getting there... Which is also the reason we were late... Which is also the reason drivers had to be changed because the first driver hit his limit (my understanding is he'll take over the Holiday Inn room).

ArmandTanzarianMusic11 karma

When you think about it, breasts do kinda seem like blobs...

ArmandTanzarianMusic5 karma

I hope this is still up!

If you had the chance to take that one-way trip to Mars, or for that matter, anywhere else, would you? You would never see Earth again, and likely die on Mars. Similarly, a multi-generational 'ark' where you'd die on the ship but your children would be the conquerors of the new planets, would you volunteer for it?

How feasible do you think asteroid mining (as per the Google founders) is?

And a softball, ever watched/read Contact?

EDIT: And seeing how Sagan will be a recurring theme here, here's Cassini's picture of Earth and the Moon. Insert the appropriate Sagan quote here. http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?release=2013-229#5

ArmandTanzarianMusic3 karma

Wait, pumping your penis gives you straighter erections? TIL

ArmandTanzarianMusic3 karma

If you listened to the recent debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye, Ham insisted late in the debate that, if you don't believe in the YEC model, you are not a Christian. He spells that out and implies that repeatedly throughout the debate. When you have that level of conviction, where you tie your entire belief and life to what you believe is true, good luck trying to change that. They literally believe salvation is tied to evolutionary belief, and would likely condemn Rev. Schaefer for that (and his support of LGBTs).