Highest Rated Comments

ArsCortica81 karma

How do you get to know the character you're playing as? Do the devs hand you writeups concerning said character's background story, what he's supposed to sound like, etc? Do they let you play some alpha version of the game itself to get a feeling for it?

ArsCortica6 karma

As far as visual design goes:

  1. Was it your intention to have WftO appear a little bit darker/mature than the original DK games? I.e., in the design of design of the torture chamber (and the actual pained screams coming from it), the blood-filled sanctuary, and the spirit chamber?

  2. I'm curious about the visual design ideas behind the Beastmaster and the Behemoth. For the former, most people probably would have expected some kind of minotaur rather than a micropiglet of unusual size. Meanwhile, the Behemoth with its enormous tusks sorta reminds me of a mix between the Demon of Doom Classic and a (very large) zergling from Starcraft 1.

  3. Just in how far was the Huntress inspired by the Demon Hunter class from Diablo three? Or was it more of a case of convergent evolution?

ArsCortica6 karma

"Doing the torture chamber was some of the best fun I've had in my life."

I hope I never manage to piss you off intentionally or unintentionally shudder

ArsCortica5 karma

Also, a slightly more historical question: From what I've read, most of Brightrock/Subterranean Games originally came from the KeeperKlan forums, and War for the Overworld began its existence as little more than a mod of sorts.

How and when did you make the decision make the entire thing commercial, and drop the original DK IP in the process?

Also, the KeeperKlan community is heavily centered on the multiplayer aspect of the DK games (and the making of MP maps). Would you say that the MP-heavy background has influenced you to make WftO more based on the RTS element rather than the simulation element?

ArsCortica1 karma

"Her ultimate play completely disrupted Mendechaus' ultimate goal, that's not to say he didn't achieve a great victory but losing both Lucius and Oberon is quite a blow, especially as you already know there's a chance Oberon could return as an Overseer!"

I don't quite follow. Mendechaus happily sacrificed Oberon, but in how far did he lose Lucius? Doesn't he taunt the player by declaring Lucius his new puppet?

Or does Oberon's home realm collapse and bury Lucius inside of it when the Underlord is..killed/transformed/converted?