Highest Rated Comments

ArtGoftheHunt191 karma

On his trip, how did he meet the person who captured him? Was just by chance or was it pre-arranged?

ArtGoftheHunt188 karma

You need to explain that to George Lucas.

ArtGoftheHunt118 karma

Is the WBC against medical care? I'm not familiar with all of their beliefs, but it sounds like from what you said that you were excommunicated for seeking medical care. I'm I misunderstanding you?

ArtGoftheHunt5 karma

how did the child make it out of the hospital without CPS involvement?

It sounds like CPS seriously dropped the ball here. A friend of mine had drug problems when she found out she was pregnant. Because stopping cold turkey would have killed the baby, she had to take methadone while in a rehab program. After her daughter was born CPS visited her and her boyfriend before her baby was released from the hospital. Whenever drugs are involved during a pregnancy, a CPS case is automatically opened up once the child is born.

ArtGoftheHunt3 karma

What is your response to /u/TorinoCobra070's comment on the /r/videos thread where he claims the video is an exaggeration? Link