Highest Rated Comments

AutoBond537 karma

During your 6 months of service, did you ever find yourself saying, "Man... where's Sandra Bullock when you Need her...?"

AutoBond21 karma

Have you ever tossed handfuls of tokens into the change bucket at a bridge toll just to get out of paying? (...will you now?)

AutoBond6 karma

Exacty! Yes and Yes. Its an event, a trip, an experiance, and a night out to be an Adult with absolutely no pictures allowed.

Apples? Meet Oranges.

AutoBond6 karma

Q: What team has the Absolute Worst fans? I don't mean apathetic... I mean if all of their fans were vaporized from the face of the earth, Angels might start to sing and the world might actually be a better place?

AutoBond6 karma

Q: Did kids pick on her for having that name? Children can be cruel....