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AyFKay-18 karma

Almost if not more than half of married families are broken, and anyone working for AM is there to encourage the idea to cheat. If they weren't encouraging people to cheat, AM wouldn't even exist. Your Job and company is a cancer to our world.

Question. How do you feel, knowing that even though you made one persons night, probably one of the best of his/her life, but destroyed a family in the mean time? Is a pay check for you that maybe gets you through a couple weeks worth knowing you potentially separated a family?

Broken families are destroying our society. I seen on here in a comment about a 4 yr old calling AM yelling that you ruined his family, and all you can say is "kids shouldn't get involved." --- Just FYI, When a family breaks up, the kid is more involved than you know. He/She is in the middle of it, with very little understanding as to why everything is happening the way they are. Many children who grow up in broken homes don't make it far, and have more life issues than a child who grew up in a stable family environment.

My intention wasn't to come here to bash you, OP. But coming from a broken home and a rough upbringing due to one unfaithful parent, I want you to re-analyse your outlook on your time at AM.

AyFKay-59 karma

Clearly you don't understand how it feels to be a part of a broken family.