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BAN_A_MANN8 karma

That is such an amazing idea, I love how you successful created a star wars-esq galaxy and yet made it seem plausible (instead of waving your wand and proclaiming "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away"). The fact that there were starfaring clans, all with different relation, species and political views, makes me feel that this universe has endless story possibilities.

BAN_A_MANN8 karma

Hey David, I am a huge fan or your writing as well as your opinions on technology and society (you have reversed my political opinions pretty much single handed). Most of all I enjoy the universe you created in the uplift saga, what was it that sparked the idea for an entire civilization built upon uplift? Do you see this as the inevitable progression of intelligent species or was it just a thought experiment? Finally are you planning any more novels, graphic novels or field guides (I enjoyed Contacting Aliens) placed within the Uplift universe?

BAN_A_MANN7 karma

Interesting, I have wondered that myself (whether aliens have altruism that is) do you think that though altruism may be rare, that it will be incredibly beneficial to those species which develop it?