Highest Rated Comments

B_crunk73 karma

I've been getting fresh raw milk from a local dairy for years. It's only been filtered and cooled. It tastes so damn good. "Store bought" milk tastes so bad and like it's fake after drinking fresh milk.

B_crunk16 karma

Thank you for answering all my questions!

B_crunk12 karma

From the wiki on Colorado Marijuana Laws:

From the time of the Colorado Amendment 64 taking effect, recreational cannabis in Colorado is legal to possess for people age twenty-one or older provided the amount is under 1 ounce (28.35 grams). It is legal to consume within private residence, but not in public. Consumption is permitted in a manner similar to alcohol, with equivalent offenses prescribed for driving. It is legal to sell cannabis provided the store has obtained a permit to do so, similar to alcohol laws in many states.

Does this mean that it can be sold in gas stations and such like cigarettes, given they have the right permit?

B_crunk12 karma

So it wouldn't be just like a medical marijuana dispensary, except for recreational use. Will there be a limit on how much the stores can sell to a person (per purchase/per day), or is it only going to be as long as a person has less than an ounce they're fine?

Will people from out of state be able to come to Colorado and buy marijuana legally as long as they don't go back over state lines with it?

B_crunk10 karma

Can confirm. I've been tobacco free for 6+ months because of e-cigs and vaping.