Highest Rated Comments

BadEgg195170 karma

First AMA that I've actually read all the way through. Good job. Thank you.

BadEgg19512 karma

No questions; just thanks for a lot of fun a couple decades ago.

BadEgg19512 karma

Lot; lotter; lottest.

BadEgg19511 karma

Thanks for your AMA, Hunter. I'm very interested in the recent changes made to try to mitigate brain damage to players by reducing concussions and other head injuries. As I see it, there are two possible futures: either change pro football to sharply reduce or eliminate contact, which would, I expect, result in profound changes to the game, or accept a certain level of injury. I don't see the first as very likely, at least not very soon, but I don't see the second as acceptable either. Your take on this?

(I have to admit that my concern isn't mostly for the pros, but for kids coming up, who may be more likely to be asked to play through injuries and such. I imagine, maybe naively, that anything that gets instituted at the pro level will eventually make its way down though college ball and eventually to primary/secondary school programs.)

BadEgg19511 karma

No question; just this: I played the heck out of your stuff for my kids, and I'm starting on my grandkids now. Unlike many whose primary audience is kids, you're quite a musician. Thank you.