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BaltiMoreHarder8 karma

I was a heroin addict living in Baltimore for years. I have been working on sobriety the past few years, but I came out of everything with a few misdemeanor possession charges, and an intent to distrubute charge. A few of them are on probation before judgement, but what can I do to either make the rest go away, or at least make them invisible/harder to find for potential employers? Any tips?

BaltiMoreHarder7 karma

That last statement a million times over. I was in and out of courts and had a million fees, got sentenced a few times, but never did they attempt to help me get better so I would not go right back to using. Treating the root cause will make the problem dissapear eventually. Besides, mandatory rehab would have seemed like a punishment back in the day anyway.

BaltiMoreHarder7 karma

Oh, and op, check out r/ redditorsinrecovery, a subreddit for recovering addicts.

BaltiMoreHarder6 karma

Also a recovering addict. Just keep going. I find that there is a ton of misinformation about the addiction side of things. Disease vs. Not, and so on. Got ina big argument about it under a thread in videos last week.

BaltiMoreHarder5 karma

Not op, but I have Na chips/tags from going to meetings. Also scars of absecess from using needles. Would those be good proof in this kind of situation? Just curious.