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Barry--Zuckerkorn22 karma

This whole thing seems designed to head-hunt Trump. We know the investigation was started by the DNC dossier. What are the odds of it backfiring and taking down democratic leaders instead?

Barry--Zuckerkorn22 karma

what does 'meddle' mean, from a legal standpoint, in a free-country?

Barry--Zuckerkorn0 karma

yea, but literally everything you just mentioned was known to have happened in the DNC; and yet to have been proven to be true of Trump. So, it seems the 'criminal investigation' isn't out there to enforce the law, but to go after disliked political figures.

Barry--Zuckerkorn0 karma

But Hillary and the DNC are the ones that made up this whole 'Russia-collusion' story in the first place...that's literally where this whole thing started. I've read amateur spy novels that made more since than this whole thing.

Barry--Zuckerkorn0 karma

Russia wanted Trump to get elected and dedicated a lot of methods for it

Why though? We just glossed right over that the minute the DNC accused Russia of hacking their servers. Why would Putin prefer an unknown in Trump, to the known status-quo in Clinton? Obama let Russia take Crimea, and Russia grew in power under his administration -- why would they want a republican in office? It doesn't make sense.