Highest Rated Comments

Bellevert241 karma

That reminds me of your episode in Punk'd....you didn't really react and kept your cool....kinda made the others look silly by comparison.

Bellevert37 karma

Hello James! Thank you so much for doing this AMA! I love the new album and especially love the bluegrass twist! What inspired this influence? Also, my mom loves your music and Carolina in my Mind is her favorite song (they live in Beaufort) :)

Bellevert6 karma

Do you think that the legalization of marijuana will help with this stereotype?

Do you regret any roles you have taken because of this stereotype?

Bellevert6 karma

Washington D.C.

Are there any other movies like this in the works? The movie really had great chemistry in the cast and seemed very easy despite the older dialect. I love that Joss is creating movies and distributing them on his own.

Thank you so much!

Bellevert6 karma

Hello! I was at AwesomeCon this weekend and my husband and I were talking about how we hope you will be a guest in the future!

Anywho, I really enjoyed you in both Dollhouse and Cabin the the Woods, however, I was blown away by your performance in Much Ado About Nothing. Do you feel that filming in such a short time frame contributed to your stellar performance?

Also, please come to AwesomeCon!!!!!!

Edit: I typed too fast...