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BeneathTheRainbow4 karma

The assassination of Kennedy was the watershed event that changed the US policy from having some moral framework to one that justified everything "in the name of national security".

Long story short... Kennedy was not well-liked and threatened a lot of very powerful people. They killed him and used the excuse of "he was a threat to national security" and have operated in that capacity ever since.

If you view the government through this lens and know who the actors are, then the nonsensical things the country has done for the past 50 years begin to make sense. Kennedy's murder was the big event that allowed powerful people to operate unencumbered by "the rules". Dulles and Bush tried it one before in "The Business Plot" and succeeded in Dallas.

BeneathTheRainbow3 karma

Hi Gerald. Thanks for all of your work.

1) Many people, such as Karen Hudes (I don't find her to be credible), claim that the Vatican and Bank of England are who our tax payments go to. Is there any veracity to this claim? If not, what confusion would cause her to make that claim in the first place?

Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjgRw78x960

2) Can you please enlighten us all about the saga of Neal Keenan and the Dragon Family that have filed a very large lawsuit surrounding a banking controversy that I don't fully understand? It appears to involve an alliance of wealthy Chinese families who are going after wealthy Europeans.

references: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxgwcqRY9aI and http://neilkeenan.com/

3) What does the vatican use as it's "enforcement" arm? It used to be the swiss guard and I have a hard time thinking of a major religion that didn't have a violent component to enforcing its "rules" throughout history.

BeneathTheRainbow3 karma

Was this an example of such?

Yes. You can read plenty more about how we use our government to "influence" countries to buy more infrastructure than they need from our enormous engineering companies (like Bechtel). The result is the private businesses get rich and then that country and their citizens become debt slaves to the global financial system. Read "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" by John Perkins for more information.

Also, what is United Fruit?


Long story short: United Fruit made a bunch of money in Guatemala. Arbenz nationalized the industry and kicked United Fruit out. So they sent in Kermit Roosevelt to agitate in the country. He formed NGOs and astroturfed a revolution to overthrow the democratically elected leader. The same thing that happened in Ukraine when Western oil companies lost the energy contracts.


So this sort of thing continues to happen today and has happened more often than you probably know about: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covert_United_States_foreign_regime_change_actions

We always think that a coup looks like this: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x20tun0_general-zia-ul-haq-declaring-martial-law_news

What if, in America, it looks like this?: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cc/Lyndon_B._Johnson_taking_the_oath_of_office,_November_1963.jpg

BeneathTheRainbow3 karma

You say this same thing all over reddit and every time you get angry and attack if people don't agree with you.

You might be right, but to declare yourself the sole arbiter of truth in a situation that is very difficult to get a handle on is childish and obnoxious.

BeneathTheRainbow2 karma

Of course the driver had a pistol. Why wouldn't you expect him to?

It was a confluence of things that led to his demise; not just one thing. The biggest event that got the military on board with his assassination was his handling of the cuban missile crisis.

Curtis LeMay and company hated that JFK wanted to do everything he could to avoid a war with Russia. Without their cooperation and influence, I don't think the CIA could have gotten away with it. CIA had their own reasons for doing it... it appears to me that JFK was going to stop the gravy train of using the CIA for private business (as they did for the Bush family with United Fruit) and diminish the power of those who were already entrenched in that system.

I can't verify it, but I always wondered what would have motivated George HW Bush to kill Kennedy. He was very clearly involved, so there is really no argument about that aspect. But what was his motivation?

Well, like I stated before, Bush and his family's involvement in Brown Brothers Harriman (now Halliburton) and the use of the CIA to perform their dirty work would be one reason. Another might be that George HW Bush was heavily involved in the Bay of Pigs. It is well known that JFK was not happy about it and may have been planning to use this as evidence of CIA misdeeds and the Bush family as a prime example of how "criminal families" infiltrate and use the government for their private interests. (Kennedy's were not saints, either, but this is politics, after all.) Between the Bush family's involvement in the Business Plot and then the Bay of Pigs, I wouldn't have been able to think of a better example of a grave internal danger to the country.

They couldn't have that.... Boom headshot!

One misnomer that most people have about Kennedy is that he was this beloved president who died too soon. In fact, the day of his death, you would be able to find fliers and posters around Dallas disparaging him.