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Bensonc77628 karma

Hello Mr. Peli, I was a huge fan of The River and was sad to see it cancelled. Do you have any plans to return to television? And do you believe that The River would have been more successful had you gone to a more premium cable channel such as HBO?

Bensonc7762 karma

I was born with Nystagmus. When I was young, my head would involuntary shake back forth to keep up with my eyes - especially if I was trying to read or write something. Did you have anything similar?

It's way better now that I'm older, people rarely ask my head or eyes shake, but I still get it every once in a while. I always make the optometrist dizzy haha.

I also have really terrible eyes -7.5 and -8.25 prescription. Never tried wearing contacts due to the Nystagmus. Do you wear contacts? How does it work with your Nystagmus?

Bensonc7761 karma

Interesting! My nystagmus seems to be doing the reverse and getting better as I get older. I'm only 19, but I think it might have to something to do with the slowing down of the jumps my eyes are making. If that makes sense hahaha