Highest Rated Comments

Best_Zyra_LAN613 karma

Thanks for answering! At least now I know that we wouldn't have worked out anyway. NO REGRETS!

Best_Zyra_LAN590 karma

How much of Phoebe's musical compositions were adlibbed? Did you have any hand in the song writing?

Also, you were my first celebrity crush! Its been killing me all these years, so I have to know. If a random 12 year old fan had sent you a letter asking you out on a date, would you have said yes?

Best_Zyra_LAN44 karma

Hey Mr. leftward sloping penis, thanks for doing this AMA! How much of David Burd exists in Lil Dicky? Is Lil Dicky a completely fictional character, or does he represent a part of your personality? Did you ever experiment with different perspectives in your writing?

Also, I thought you should know that “Lemme Freak” is on my sex playlist and it works really well!?

Best_Zyra_LAN7 karma

Hey Dane! Thanks so much for doing this AMA! I know often times comedians are playing a character in their standup as much as actors are in shows / movies, but you do come off as a genuinely goofy and high charisma person. I noticed that in movies like “employee of the month” your character was essentially the same as your stand-up persona. However, in “Dan in Real Life” you definitely played a character with a lot more depth, and different personality traits. So with that in mind, here are a few questions.

  1. How different would you say you are from your on stage persona?
  2. Do you feel that your on-stage persona is an exaggerated version of yourself, or entirely a work of fiction?
  3. Are you surprised that so many people labeled your on-stage persona, and therefore you, as a douche?

Hope you see this. Just wanted to let you know that you have made me laugh a lot over the years and I definitely appreciate that. Oh also, I just moved to Boston and I was wondering if you have any suggestions for good places to pee! It seems like everytime I’m day drinking in the commons I can’t find any place that has a toilet?

Best_Zyra_LAN7 karma

To be honest songs like "sparkle Motion" are among my favorites of yours. Why do you think you have moved towards more "hard core" or "high energy" songs and away from the beautiful ballads. Dont get me wrong, I love all the new stuff, but songs like "This Summer Session" and "sparkle Motion" always gave me a lot of feels. Love you guys, seen you 4 times in concert now. Keep it up!!!?