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BetterWorldMLK2 karma

It is inspiring to read about Alice Paul (yesterday was the anniversary of her birth) and the Suffragettes' work to get women the vote with an amendment. Do you think enough people/citizens are going to get passionate about corporations meddling in politics as much as they did about half of society aka women not getting to vote?

BetterWorldMLK2 karma

I don't have a ton of time as well, but I do stamp my money with messages. Have you heard about StampStampede? http://www.stampstampede.org/pages/about-stamping

I like what Ms. Teachout has said here that it's all "part of building the fabric connecting every issue to the root issue of money and politics." When I stamp my money, I feel like I'm adding the issue of money and politics into the public conversation. And hopefully, politically-inclined people who care about immigration, health care, defense spending or whatever can start thinking about their pet issue w. the root issue (money in politics) in mind.

BetterWorldMLK2 karma

How can I get a ballot victory started in my state?

BetterWorldMLK2 karma

This is slightly unrelated b/c it's not about the money part but gets to the jump that corporations have a right to free speech...How will making free speech not a right for corporations affect corporations like the NYT Co. who have a history of endorsing candidates?

BetterWorldMLK2 karma

What is the line between an elected official that believes taking money from donors and rewarding them is fair, upfront about their priorities? What one person deems corrupt is another's ideology.

This is a really interesting point Mr. Ennis. I also really enjoyed "Pay 2 Play." RE corruption, it just seems like there will always be candidates doing favors for donors...but I wish our government would just limit the amount so there is less of this quid pro quo going on!