Highest Rated Comments

BigzSarducci58 karma

I'm glad you made the choice in the reduction. Your back/shoulders/posture will love you for it in the long haul. I hope you heal fast and correctly. Q: "How has this surgery affected you emotionally and psycologically?" Q: "Any improvements physically i.e. feeling more pep, less winded etc etc?"

BigzSarducci1 karma

Do you experience racist/sexist comments from anyone at the law school you attend?

BigzSarducci1 karma

Are the zombie ants infected with a parasitic organism that altered their minds? Can you provide a photo of a normal zombie ants brain versus a infected one? Are their any parasitic organisms that do affect the brain of anything or any of us?

BigzSarducci1 karma

Al Gore stated twice the polar caps would be (the north/south pole ice)gone by 2014, and then changed his mind saying the end of 2014. Where is the news on the super flooding the ice caps are almost half melted!

BigzSarducci1 karma

Out of the research you have done. How many GI's did you interview and even all are/were important individuals. Did anyone stand out the most? How many did you see as the most vivid in recalling WW 1. Any one or few that stood out the most to you?