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Birdjag17 karma

"Gun users might be more vigilant, wary and aware than other victims, and are therefore possibly able to respond more rapidly to threats" is worth noting, in my concealed carry class we probably spent at least 25% of the time talking about situational awareness and how to avoid violent confrontation in the first place.

Birdjag11 karma

I was able to legally purchase a handgun at 18 from a private seller and purchase long guns from a dealer. I am 20 now, live in Missouri and got my CCW when I was 19. I carry my pistol everywhere except school. I didn't go through a background check for the handgun, I bought it from someone I never knew and who didn't know me. I believe private sales should be required to go through an FFL for a NICS background check just as buying a firearm from an FFL is.

As for the age, I don't think that moving it to 21 will make much of a difference or is a good idea. The government can strap a rifle to a 18 year old and send them into combat but they cannot purchase a firearm back in the homeland for their personal protection? I believe schools should have armed personnel. Why do we have armed guards at banks and jewelry stores but do not share reciprocity for the kids who will make up future generations to come? We protect literal rocks that are extracted from the ground and placed on people's bodies better than school children. Why disarm / make it difficult for the population to protect themselves? Criminals won't care about gun legislation they are criminals.

edit; grammar and clarification

Birdjag3 karma

I have an armed policeman at my school, what's the problem with it?

Birdjag2 karma

thank you for your time and discussion. I wish you luck in your endeavors and in our beautiful state and country.

Birdjag2 karma

why does my college have an entire police department and why did my elementary school have not one single resource officer. I don't for once feel like I'm "at prison" when I am at my school, I feel safe and protected. why not bring this same logic to lower levels of the education system?

there is a trend with these school shootings. nicolas cruz, dylan klebold and eric harris, etc. they all experienced mental trauma in the form of school bullying, having parents who died, got into trouble with the law etc. and who took their anger out in horrific ways. how do you expect to find a solution to that "societal problem". there will always be people who want to hurt other innocent people indiscriminately. the solution is to fight back against it directly. continue efforts to eliminate bullying and providing adequate psychological assistance to those who have experienced emotional trauma, securing and improving the gun purchasing process as we previously discussed and having adequate security for students. again, why do we arm bank guards but not personnel to protect students at a school? it is deeply flawed thinking.