Highest Rated Comments

BitOneZero1 karma

Replying with criticism for a on-topic question, as opposed to drive-by downvoting, would be more earnest and sincere.

BitOneZero0 karma

... didn't Marshall McLuhan and Neil Postman warn us? Duke University via Rick Roderick? Carl Sagan in his 1995 Daemon Haunted book? What are your thoughts on how to combat this with population-wide education about interpreting media, even how people interpret the media of Rupert Murdoch? Thank you.

BitOneZero-4 karma

Back to Shane: If you look closer on the private message I sent you about /r/WWWOpera - this link was posted days before your AMA about Woody Allen and McLuhan. And I'll throw some Electric Torah at you from Steely Dan, Godwhacker...


BitOneZero-10 karma

Now it's -5 in 35 minutes... angry Mass Man / Mass Mind (Howard Bloom term) here.

BitOneZero-10 karma

Reddit community downvoting legit questions to -3....