Highest Rated Comments

BithTree37 karma

Temecula area ex-resident here. We love you all so much because we would not be there without you. You have all of our thanks.

BithTree5 karma

Having done a bit of interpreter training, Gilmore Girls would be a nightmare. I wonder how translators can dedicate enough time to researching jokes while getting a quality product out.

BithTree3 karma

If you didn't see the answer to this already, he answered #2 in another question.

BithTree1 karma

Depression, whether chronic or acute, seems to be extremely prevalent in the U.S. Would it be appropriate to say that depression is a national emergency? If it were declared to be so, what could the government do?

BithTree1 karma

What do you think of the idea going around that research should be less hypothesis-confirming and more discovery-driven? This concept came up in a research course and I am wondering how that shift would impact immunology.