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BlLL-CYPHER29 karma

Actually a lot, which was the creepy thing. I'm not insanely good looking, and a lot of the time young enough to be these guys' daughter. I have quite a few good Drunk Stories, but I'll pick one of my favorites. At my first hotel, we had these reoccurring unpleasant guests, lets just call them Misty and Kyle. So reoccurring, they probably would come 3-4 times a week. The first hotel is really old fashioned, no elevator and actual keys, as in the ones you can use. Drunk + real keys x doors that lock behind you. Every time a drunk guy lost their key and couldn't get in their room, you'd have to get up at 1, 2, 3 AM and drive all the way back down and let them in. Anyway, Misty and Kyle one night are drunk and in a fight, as usual, so Misty kicked Kyle out of the room. He's so drunk, he doesn't remember which room he came from. So he quite literally starts banging on each door screaming at the top of his lungs "I'll kill you, you fucking bitch! You and your whore mother!" Attempting to calm him down, he would just rip us off (usually only one or two of us working at a time, no security) and actually started climbing up to the rooftop. (We have "outside" rooms, which is kinda like all the rooms and halls are outside) For about an hour he was crying and screaming, throwing down his beer bottles at anyone who tried calming him down. He eventually pulled the fire alarm, and the cops were called. Everyone wanted refunds for their night being disturbed. We didn't give any refunds.

BlLL-CYPHER27 karma

We actually don't provide Condoms. I've heard of hotels that do, but we don't We TRY to be a sort of "resort", but try is a very strong word. Honestly the Hotel is losing more money than it's making because it's so close to the water. But that's just what my manager tells me. Really, everything is so half-assed in a Hotel, you have no idea.

As far as kick out stories, this one is one of my favorites. At our hotel, I think for 20,000 dollars or so? You can rent the entire place for two days. This includes our "Garden Rooftop" which has a Jacuzzi and firepit overlooking the sunset. People usually do that for weddings, considering it's cheaper to do that when you total all the family and location expenses. Well, this particular Bride was insane. No, really. She planned the date 3 years in advance, and would come around every couple of months to see how our flowers bloomed. We don't pay particular attention to our garden, it grows on its own. Anyway, the closer to the date it got, the more she would come by and demand more answers. Like who was working, if we would match their color theme, what was the exact size of the rooms, when all this information was already written up in the contract. No one at all wanted to work this shift, so I volunteered since I needed the money. Oh. My. God. It was absolute Hell. Drag everyone's bags up three flights of stairs, only to get a "Oh I don't want this room. Show me another." I was losing my temper ever so slowly, but I can understand since it was a wedding. Finally, the ceremony started so I could go back to my desk and answer phones or do some paperwork. About 30 minuets in I hear a scream, and I run up to the rooftop. I'm thinking someone is hurt or has fallen or something, but only to see that it's the bride. Her eyes are swollen and red from crying apparently, and she starts going off on me about how the sun is setting a half an hour early. I just stand there, not really knowing what to do since that was quite possibly one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. She threw her flowers down and told everyone to get the fuck out of the ceremony (her family) and started ripping off ribbons. She demanded a refund of the entire 20,000, which is not possible because the contract is non-refundable. I informed her of such, and if she was going to damage property, then I would have to call the police. I didn't want to, but these people seriously will go off about the sun setting 30 minutes before usual. I apologized to the family, but they seemed almost as mad as she was so I let them know they could leave to another hotel if they wanted. About an hour or so later, I eventually ask my manager on her Cell what to do, which was a big "Idk, good luck!! LoL" Helpful. Long story short, I had the police escort them all out, including her kicking and screaming. She hit the cop in the face, so I'm not sure if they arrested her. I know she broke quite a few glass tables though.

BlLL-CYPHER27 karma

It was also on Valentine's Day. Trust me, Hotel Guests will seriously break your spirit. I used to go and buy with my OWN MONEY cakes and champagne and chocolate covered Strawberries for guests, only to be ripped apart. It's not cold, it's SURVIVAL, man.

BlLL-CYPHER24 karma

You can do a few things: Be SUPER nice to the front Desk. Ask them how their day is, really just treat them like a human being as well as pull the old Expedia Trick.

Expedia is the lowest rates you'll probably get for a Hotel. The bad thing is, is that Expedia takes a portion of the percentage of profits for their "service" and the Hotel actually gets a really low portion. If you book through Expedia, they'll give you a crappy room for sure since you're on low priority. At the same time, a lot of FDAs try to overcharge or upsale you. What you need to do, is to book with the Hotel and ask them if they can match their Expedia Rate. 100% of the time this will work, because they'd rather take the whole cut than give some to Expedia. Then, ask them how much would it be to upgrade. They'll usually say something like 20 or 50 dollars, just something off the top of their head. But let them know how long you're going to be staying (multiple days will totally get you an upgrade, especially if you book through them and not the online engines) or if it's just one day, that it's like a wedding night or something special. Just bullshit the sugar coating. The FDA controls all the prices, so the more you try to get on their good side/haggle the more they'll cave.

All else fails, tell them that they charged you double or something, and make a really big deal out of it. They'll scramble and won't know what to do, and threaten to leave. They'd rather upgrade you than lose you. :)

BlLL-CYPHER20 karma

Yes. Yes it does. FDAs rarely ever get tipped, and usually make the same as Housekeeping. What is the difference? Difference is usually Housekeeping gets tipped, and you do not. Really, and FDA (in my opinion) will flip backwards for anything like that.

Kicked out a married couple of the Sweet Heart Suite for 100$ tip.