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BluePocket114 karma

if so i will do a iama sunday night.

BluePocket19 karma

First off DO NOT DO THAT. It is very dangerous for YOU. When our tires blow they almost always throw chunks out. Chunks that can easily at least give you windshield major major cracks. Going 60-70 i highly doubt you want that to happen.

Also, yes a lot of us do not like not being able to see cars behind us. Part of our job is to know everything that is going on around us to be safe for us and specially people who drive cars. Our trucks could easily kill you if we run into you and we obviously do not want that. Have you noticed that bar that hangs down at the back of our trailer? That is mandatory on every trailer now because back in the day cars would run into us and basically the car would get cut in two with you in it. Thank being said those things help but only so much.

BluePocket14 karma

Of course we love cars like you. I wave and flash my markers everytime a car helps me out. I have never purposely ran someone off the road but i have kinda put my tires onto the white line if i've had my blinker on for a long time and they are purposely not letting me over. Jsut enough to say common now dude.

You brought up a point i've been dieing to talk about tho. He was obviously being a ass riding your tail like that when you were speeding already but a tremendous amount of people do no know that on a 3 lane to each side interstate 99% of the time trucks ARE NOT allowed into the far left lane. So the middle lane is out fast lane. It irks me all to hell when a car OR a truck sits in that lane going the same speed as the vehicle in the far right lane. I dont mind if your just trying to pass but after you pass you should get over and let us pass. A lot of people do not do this and i assume are thinking why doesnt this fuck pass us in the left lane. I have literally been stuck behind some for 10 mins or more while they are getting mad at me cause after awhile i got a little irritated and got close to their bumper.

BluePocket14 karma

I posted a link in my edit from in my truck today and tomorrow i will post a picture with all 8 of my kids to verify that since some are cried folly for that.

Wierdest thing that happened to me was having a guy try to pull me over by looking up at me and pointing at me then proceded to fake jerk off. I was so WTF I looked ahead then looked back and he did it again. I flipped him off and he speed away. Also I've seen many dudes just going to town on themselves driving down the highway....All that and never seen one boob. So disappointing. LOL

I'm paid by the mile but unlike most companies i get paid for every mile i drive not what some computer tells this is the distance from city to city(which was always short). I also get stop pay and triple pay on holidays if i'm on the road. If i get stuck out on the road due to breakdowns or what not i get 150 a day and they pay for my hotel stay. We also get something called Per Diem which is a tax thingy. You get 25 dollars a day for food and such to claim on your taxes.

I get decent time off. My job i got now is the cream of the crop to over the road driving. I get to pick my load every week(2nd choice out of 4) and it's there then a back haul right back home. So if i want to pick a short load and be home 3-4 days i can or pick a long one and be home 1-2 i can. Most places do not work like that. If your a regional driver you basically get 1-2 days no matter what and you never really know where you are going. you can pick up and deliver multiple times a day or not and never know where you headed next until you finish with the deliver your on. It was annoying when i had to deal with that.

It does depend on how long you stay in a city. I got lucky acouple years ago and delivered in the morning to Vegas and the back haul she found me did not pick up till the next morning not far away. BlackJack was my friend that day. *chuckle You have to realize tho that your in a huge truck. Even if you in a city lets say that your favorite football team is playing at while your there. You cannot simply drive to the game and go see it. Also a lot of cities do not have many truck stops. Or at least where you would like them to be to do any sight seeing.

Most companies are 7 years i think? maybe 5. it's been awhile since i filled out a app. I do know that if you have a DUI or wreckless driving in the last i think 7 years they will not hire you. Might be 5 also but those 2 are a no no. Also most of the very well paying jobs(mostly local) want a good 3 years truck driving exp no tickets or accidents also.

BluePocket12 karma

Your first yet it is a little rough. I made 27k. After you pay your dues at a startup company I made about 40k. With the company I am at now after 5 years I'm averaging about 50-55k.