Highest Rated Comments

Bluecas3 karma

Which artist did you enjoy working with most, and which song did you enjoy writing the most?

Bluecas3 karma

If you had to choose, what would you consider the biggest problem in Uganda right now?

Bluecas3 karma

Does your neck hurt after long gaming sessions?

Bluecas2 karma

Hi Matt,

I'd just like to tell you that I've been a long time fan of yours. I subbed to your 1st youtube channel when you only had around ~5000 subs. I have 2 questions for you:

  1. How do you deal with the thirst that comes from consuming all that sodium?. I ate half a part-sized pizza and I ended up drinking around 6 cups of water right after. My stomach was already full after the pizza, but the water made me feel even worse.

  2. What do you consider the toughest challenge/competition to date?

Bluecas1 karma

If you could make any flavor of pie (doesn't actually have to be possible) what would you make?