Highest Rated Comments

Blurry_Bigfoot19 karma

Isn't that the exact person you want writing such a book? A lifetime insider.

Just like "The Case Against Government" should probably be written by someone who worked at a high level in government. No?

Blurry_Bigfoot12 karma

Hi Doc!

What’s your opinion on artificially increasing bp through the use of stimulants (caffeine, ADHD medication, etc)? How would that mechanism of action compare in terms of the benefits seen via “natural” ways (exercise / movement)?


Blurry_Bigfoot8 karma

Tell me what I can do to help this cause.

Blurry_Bigfoot1 karma

Hi Prof Lessig,

Thanks for doing this! I am an entrepreneur working on a project that will serve as a platform for third party and independent candidates to convey their opinions and reach new audiences to get their messages out. You've spoken out against the 2 party system before, so I am wondering what you think of this type of approach? How can we use the internet to fight the 2 party system?

We are still developing the platform, but I am really excited about the project.


Blurry_Bigfoot1 karma

Thanks so much! What is the best way to reach you when we are all set?
