Highest Rated Comments

BobLeBoeuf6 karma

We can't pour government money into colleges just to have those colleges continue to raise tuition and add little to improving their education/instruction.

But see that's exactly what we are doing by offering low interest rate loans. The intentions are well, but as a side effect you make more money available in the higher ed market. The higher ed market does not have the same level of competition as other industries due to the way it is financed. I agree that the government can have a role in education, but it will only exacerbate the problem if we keep allowing these low interest loans to exist and don't care how the money is spent.

BobLeBoeuf4 karma

you know he won't answer that, but good try

BobLeBoeuf3 karma

Gov. Johnson, I've been following your career since 2007. I voted for you in 2012 and plan to keep voting for you as long as you're on the ballot. Do you plan to run again? Do you plan to run as a libertarian again or will you move back to the Republican Party? Personally, I believe the best way to achieve your message is changing the Republican Party from within. You attract a lot of young followers and have brought a new voice to fiscal conservatism. Thanks for all that you've done and I hope to attend your inauguration in 2017!

BobLeBoeuf2 karma

How are you online in Pyongyang? I thought that internet use even for tourists was not allowed.

BobLeBoeuf2 karma

What do you believe the primary driving force is behind rising college tuition prices, and what is your approach to solving it?