Highest Rated Comments

BobSacramanto46 karma

Classic TJ...

BobSacramanto22 karma

Are you familiar with /r/Entrepreneur? We would love to have your input over there.

BobSacramanto14 karma

For anyone wondering about this detail. it was obvious that his hand was broken because he stop throwing punches and instead threw elbow strikes.

BobSacramanto3 karma

Sorry for your accident. I did industrial work for about 6 yrs and had a few close calls but nothing like that. I have a couple of questions if you don't mind:

Do you wish now that the doctors would have removed it cleanly at the wrist? Why or why not?

Also, are you in any kind of therapy or support group currently or since the accident?

Good luck Broseph!

BobSacramanto2 karma

I have been seeing the previews for The Spoils of Babylon lately and was wondering, is it supposed to be serious or is it sort of making fun of the epic movie genre?